Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fashion of the Freeps

Hello everyone! Mirinaeth here to start out our Fashion of the Freeps post series.  Before I show you the fashions I’ve selected for today’s post, let me give you a bit of an introduction to this particular series.

Fashion of the Freeps will entail several outfits I have designed featured on various models of my choosing.  The designs aren’t selected based on what is available to everyone, as some other Lotro fashion blogs have done. 

However, there are some special extras that go with our fashion blog.

If you have an outfit that you are really proud of and would like to have it featured on our blog, we will accept up to 2 contributors (one outfit each) to post throughout the week as a “Mid-week Edition” of Fashion of the Freeps.  To get your outfit featured, here’s all you have to do:

Email Miri at with the following...

1. Attach up to two of your best quality screenshots of your outfit. (check out The Lotro Stylist’s article on how to take great screenshots here:
2. Provide a description and/or name for your outfit (optional, but one will not be provided for you if you do not send one).
3. Provide the outfit model’s name.
4. Provide your main toon’s name (or a username you would like the post attributed to) and server.

We will email you if your outfit is selected to be featured.

Also, since I understand that not everyone has access to a wide variety of options to use for cosmetics, I would be happy to help you design an outfit!  If you would like for me to help you design an outfit, here’s all you have to do:

Email Miri at with the following...

1. Your server (in case I want to scout materials).
2. Your race.
3. The level of the particular toon for which I am designing the outfit.
4. Whether or not you have wardrobe space.
5. Whether or not you would be willing to spend TP or mithril coins on cosmetics.
6. Any colors or themes you would like me to keep in mind when designing the outfit.

I will get back to you as soon as I am able to help you with an outfit design!

Also, keep an eye out for a “Special Edition” of Fashion of the Freeps in which we will feature an outfit, then give away the outfit to the first person who emails with their toon’s name and server, and the name of the outfit featured in the “Special Edition”. back to the good part...

For today’s Fashion of the Freeps post, I have selected Durrann Duran, dwarf of Landroval, to model three fashions for us.  He has selected Lornsettle in Forlaw, Wildermore of East Rohan for his fashion shoot.

I call this first outfit the “Autumn Ranger”.  Here we see Durrann sporting a very earthy ensemble, featuring the vibrant colors of the Fall season.  We have paired the Ceremonial Línham, dyed sienna, with the Vibrant Eastemnet Assault Leggings, dyed olive.  Because he is a ranger, boot and glove selection is always going to be important.  So we’ve gone with Ceremonial Engraved Iron Gauntlets, dyed umber, and the Boots of the Westfold.  The outfit is finished off with Strong Eastemnet Combat Pauldrons, dyed olive, and Elrond’s Radiant Cloak, dyed dark green.  This combination gives you the option to dress up your look while still maintaining that Ranger style.

For this second outfit, called the “Dapper Durrann” we’ve decided to dress up Durrann in something perfectly fit for a schnazzy event.  We’ve started off with the Robe of Viisaus, dyed black, and added Ceremonial Pauldrons of the Mark, also dyed black, as an outerwear option.  To the pauldrons, we’ve added the elegant Swan-cloak, dyed black, to spiffy-up the ensemble even more.  This outfit is finished off with the Ceremonial Copper-inlaid Boots, dyed black, and the Extravagant Festival Hat, dyed black as well, to finish up that look of dwarven sophistication.  This look just goes to show that black is the new black. ...wait...


With a name like Durrann Duran, you can’t get by wearing things that are entirely serious all of the time.  Which leads to our final outfit for this edition of Fashion of the Freeps...the “Purple Cyborg”.  For this look, essentially we’ve taken a lot of random items involving a metallic look, dyed them all purple, and just run with it.  Specifically, we started out with the Carn Dúm Breastplate and added to it the Vibrant Eastemnet Assault Leggings that we saw featured in the “Autumn Ranger” outfit.  To further build our big dwarven metalbox, we’ve added the Burnished Dwarf-make Warrior’s Shoulder Guards, the Vibrant Calenard Battle Gauntlets, Superior Sellsword’s Boots, and the Cloak of the Windsinger.  To finish off our cyborg, we added the Jeweller’s Helm, and voilà, an outfit fit for your next ridiculous fancy dress party!

Thank you for joining me for this edition of 
Fashion of the Freeps. 

Be fabulous. Make it so.

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